Great question. My initial response was that he shouldn't have. That it was hard to believe he could forgive his brothers for shipping him and his daughter off to an island so they could usurp his power. But upon reaching the island he soon reigns as master over all who are there. So, in this sense, he never really gives up his identity as a ruler. Further, he is successful in achieving the best kind of revenge. Instead of just inflicting pain and misery on those who have wronged them, he makes them (Ferdinand's father) come to really realize that what they've done is wrong. And Prospero does inflict some pay-back on his brothers, for sure. But he never lets on that he has really deep-seated anger or resentment. Before his brothers arrive on the island, it seems like Prospero and Miranda are already living in a kind of dream world utopia where his magical powers enable him to rule. I think Prospero also has an epiphany that relates to the boundaries or limitations of power as they relate to the master/servant relationship. He has the ability to totally abuse his dominion over Caliban, Ariel, and all of his brothers who accidentally end up on the island. In a sense, he's like God and everyone is in the palm of his hand. But he has the sense to know that he must not abuse his power. What it seems like he really wants is for his daughter to be happy and to be at peace with others and to be a good ruler back home in Milan.
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