Beowulf also demonstrates an interesting mix of Christian belief with pagan views of the world. Throughout the text Beowulf and others talk about wyrd which is the Anglo-Saxon view of fate. They are very aware of their actions and the glory they hope to gain from their choices in the actions they take, but over it all, they see fate as being a dominating force. It is fate that Beowulf learns of Grendel; it is Hrothgar's fate to accept the help from Beowulf; it is fate that Beowulf dies after a fatal wound from the fire breathing dragon.
On the other hand, the characters talk about God, and pray for God's good providence in their lives. These comments seem to be in opposition to the concept of wyrd, but when we consider that the story of Beowulf is a pagan story, but was only passed by oral tradition until it was first written down, in a then Christian culture, it makes sense that the Christian views of God find their way into the story.
Both of these philosophies of life are presented throughout the text, both before battles, during battles, and after them. The audience of original story would have understood the idea of wyrd's role in life, and the later Christian audiences understood a blending of fate and God. Even a modern audience can appreciate these philisophies.
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