Thursday, August 9, 2012

What do George and Lennie think of Curley's wife in Of Mice and Men?

In Of Mice and Men, George and Lennie have completely different reactions to Curley's wife. While George calls her a "tramp," Lennie's says, "She's purty." George immediately senses the danger Curley's wife presents and commands Lennie to stay away from her. He is vehement with this telling Lennie, "Don't you even look at that bitch ... I never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her."

Lennie, despite his instant attraction to her (George says, "[W]hen she was standin' in the doorway showin' her legs, you wasn't lookin' the other way, neither."], also recognizes the danger of the situation and begs George to leave the ranch saying, "It's mean here." 

In fact, Curley's wife leads to all of the trouble Lennie has on the ranch. It's her fault Curley enters the bunkhouse when Lennie crushes the small man's hand. And it's her who tells Lennie to feel her soft hair, which eventually leads to Lennie snapping her neck on accident.

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