Monday, October 22, 2012

How does Duncan reward Macbeth for his bravery in defeating the rebels?After that, I have to comment on the order in which Duncan announces it...

Having received the news of victory in battle, the architect of which was the valiant Macbeth, King Duncan immediately announces punishment & reward in the same breath--capital punishment for the 'most disloyal traitor' Cawdor & reward for 'that Bellona's bridegroom' Macbeth:

" ...........................Go pronounce his present death,

And with his former title greet Macbeth ". (act 1 sc.2)

When Macbeth & Banquo arrive at Duncan's palace, the king is all praise for his 'worthiest cousin'. Macbeth deserves so much for the service rendered by him that the king is unable to reward him adequately. However, Duncan tells Macbeth with grateful assurance that he is going to take good care of  his future nurture:

" I have begun to plant thee, and will labour

To make thee full of growing ".  (act 1 sc.4)

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