Amir had promised Sohrab that he would never send him to another orphanage. Unfortunately, when he begins to look into the procedures to adopt the child and bring him to American, Amir finds that, because of INS rules and the political situation in Afghanistan, it is going to be a task that will be very difficult, if not impossible. Amir consults an immigration lawyer, who advises him that his best shot would be to put Sohrab back into an orphanage, then file an orphan petition. That way, Sohrab will be in a safe place while the lengthy process of investigation and home study are being conducted.
Amir does not want to break his promise to Sohrab, but sees no other way of bringing him to America. When he broaches the subject to Sohrab, the child is devasted, and begs Amir not to make him go back to the orphanage. Sohrab is terrified of the place, and is convinced he will be hurt there as he was before, despite the promises of the adults. After sobbing desconsolately for a long time, Sohrab finally falls asleep. Later, he awakens and goes into the bathroom to take his nightly bath. As he lies in the water, he takes a razor and slices his wrists.
Sohrab's suicide attempt is very nearly successful. When he is recovering in the hospital, Amir tells him that his wife, with the help of some friends in the INS, has secured a visa for him to go to America. Sohrab is past caring, however, and Amir must win back his trust. Although Sohrab never really consents to go with Amir, he ends up doing so because he has no other options. It will take a long time before Sohrab, so often betrayed, will believe in hope and promises again (Chapter 24-25).
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