Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How does Abigail contribute to the dramatic effect of "The Crucible"?please help me its for my courswork and i have no idea what to write i have to...

I think a paper like this will be relatively direct to write, but it will also require analysis and understanding.  This might be where its challenge lies.  From my points of view, there are  couple of things that have to be analyzed in the paper.  The first idea to be discussed is how Abigail's actions represent dramatic effect.  I think a good approach to explaining this would be to identify her motives for making the accusations that set the entire events of the play in motion.  In analyzing and explaining these accusations and their implications, Abigail becomes essential to the dramatic effect of the play.  Spending some time in detailing these accusations and their growth and evolution throughout the play becomes a point of dramatic effect.  The next step would be examine why Abigail does what she does.  What would be her motivation, her drive, in her actions?  Exploring this is yet another realization of dramatic effect- her desire for John Proctor, her wishes to get usurp Elizabeth's role, and her need for attention- all serve as dramatic effect.  The element of drama is created when it becomes apparent that there is a lack of authenticity in her convictions, and a duplicitous motive revealed.  Explaining this will reveal her importance to the dramatic effect in the play.  Finally, explaining how Abigail is a symbol in the play might also reveal an unfolding sense of drama.  Through her intent and actions, Abigail manages to undermine a system of justice, individual reputation, and social fabric, exposing the potentially corrosive aspects of both.  There is dramatic effect in this process for the view we have of characters at the start of the play is not what we have at the end of it.  Abigail contributes greatly to this.  Being able to identify specific passages and ideas from the play that fit these descriptions of Abigail's impact on the play will allow a very strong paper to emerge.

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