Saturday, April 27, 2013

Which are the sources of water pollution?

Water pollution can be classified by several criteria:

1. Time in which the un-purifier agent is acting

a.permanentă or systematic;



2.Concentration and composition of the water:

a. reduction of the use capacity

b. changing composition and physical appearance of water;

c.serious pollution, which makes improper for use;

d.serious pollution with toxic substances.

3.Production of pollution:
b.artificial (anthropogenic).

4.Nature of un-purifier substances:

a.physical pollution (pollution due to thermal water);

b. chemical pollution(pollution from oil residues, phenols, detergents, pesticides, carcinogens, chemicals specific to industries);

c.Biological pollution (pollution with pathogenic bacteria, pathogenic yeasts,parasites worms, coliforms bodies , saprophytic bacteria, fungus, algae, etc.).

d.radioactive pollution.
The phenomena of water pollution may take place:
-at surface (eg pollution with oil products);
-volume ( appear to suspension pollutants).


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