Friday, April 12, 2013

In "Liberty," does Mr. Victor move in with the family too?

In this story of a family suffering persecution and under surveillance because of their lack of support for the president of their country, Mr. Victor, the American consul, is a close friend of the family depicted and as such, is concerned about their welfare and safety. We are told in the story that after the narrator finds two men observing the house and the family, there is a sudden change in family life:

Overnight, it seemed, Mister Victor moved in. He ate all his meals with us, stayed 'til late, and when he had to leave, someone from the embassy was left behind "to keep an eye on things." Now, when Papi and Mister Victor talked or when the tios came over, they all went down to the back of the property near Liberty's pen to talk.

As a response to the government of this unnamed country keeping the family under surveillance, Mr. Victor himself spends a lot of time with the family making sure that they are safe and trying to plan their escape to the United States and liberty. So, in answer to your question, although Mr. Victor doesn't literally move in, the story tells us that he practically lives there, only leaving late at night to sleep.

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