Sunday, August 11, 2013

In "1984", how does Julia's position on party doctrine contrast with Winston's views?

Whereas Winston has faint memories of the past, Julia has been born and raised during the reign of Big Brother.  Therefore, Julia doesn't know anything better or different that the life she has always led.  Winston, although it is foggy, lived during a time when people had freedoms that can only be dreamed of in modern day Oceania.

As a result, Julia is resigned to living the best she can under the heavy restraints of the party.  She lives for the here and the now and immediate gratification.  Hence her appetites for black market food and sex.  Although Winston enjoys these things as well, he as an eye on the future generations of human beings.  Since Winston has seen life differently, he can imagine changing the future.  He realizes that this will not happen in his lifetime, but he has hope.  Julia is simply concerned with living under the rules that are already in place and getting away with as much as she can before she is, inevitably, vaporized.

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