Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What are the proofs of Isabella Swan's love for Edward in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight?

Initially, I think it has to be said that the best way to answer this question is to ask someone who likes the book.  In all honesty, any fan of this book would be able to give you a dissertation and then some on the topic.  It's one of those questions that if you ask someone who likes the book, you'll get more than you would ever need on the topic.

Having said all of this and not being an extraordinary fan of the work, I would say that the most compelling evidence of Bella's love for Edward is that, at the end of the novel, she wishes to be a vampire, like Edward.  This would be the ultimate proof of her love for Edward.  Being a human, and Edward being a vampire, proves that there is a natural chasm or gulf between them.  Due to her love for him, she wishes to bridge that gap and become like him.  He refuses because he understands what such a request would entail (and, unknown to Edward, sets in motion the subsequent follow ups to the work).  Another example of Bella's love for Edward is that she is not repulsed by him or repelled by him being "different."  She realizes that he is different with his demeanor, at first, and then his supernatural ability to save her, and his general presence, which she later realizes is that of a vampire.  However, she is not paralyzed by fear and distance from him.  Rather, she is entranced with him and uses their differences as  a form of mystique, causing her heart to become more entranced with him.  The overriding theme of the novel is her love/ infatuation with him.

As I said, if you know a fan of this book or even if you surf the net for the various homages to the work, I think you would gain more insight into the question.

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