Friday, August 23, 2013

In "To Kill a Mockingbird", describe Scout’s feelings about the Radley place and Boo Radley.

The very idea of meeting Boo gives Scout the creeps, but she is attracted, as kids are, to the goosebumps feeling she gets whenever the subject of him or the Radley place comes up. Unlike Dill and Jem, however, she does not want to take any unnecessary chances and is half-hearted in following them when they trespass onto the Radley property. They end up getting shot at in the process, but when Jem's lost pants get mended and folded over the fence, the children know who did it.

With this along with other signs of his good intentions, Boo gradually wins the children's confidence, and in an odd way, they do indeed become friends.  Like an imaginary playmate, Boo is invisible but "right there" when the children need him.  This is especially true of the Halloween night when he comes to Jem and Scout's rescue and fights off Bob Ewell with a knife. Ewell is killed, but the children escape with their lives, and Atticuls does not forget to thank him for it in no uncertain terms.

At the end of the story, Scout is able to see the world from Boo's point of view and even states that just standing on the Radley porch is as subjective as she wants to get.  Boo falls back into oblivion, but the children's appreciation of and respect for him remain.

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