Monday, January 6, 2014

In "To Kill a Mockingbird" what does Atticus require Jem to do make amends for his rage?

In chapter 11, as Jem and Scout are on their way to town, Mrs. Dubose makes a lot of nasty remarks to them about their attire, their behavior, and Atticus's decision to defend Tom Robinson.  Her comments are awful and biting, so on the way home, Jem takes out his rage on her bushes, cutting "the tops off every camellia bush Mrs. Dubose owned."

Atticus makes him atone by going over to her house and apologizing, and offering to restore her beloved bushes.  But, while Jem is over there, Mrs. Dubose asks him to

"come very afternoon after school and read to her out loud for two hours...for a month."

Jem desparately wants to get out of doing this, but Atticus tells him that he will do it.  So, Jem is stuck going to her house and reading for 2 hours every day.  The reading idea was a combination idea from Mrs. Dubose and Atticus himself, and Jem fulfills his duties, even if he isn't happy about it.

I hope that helps; good luck!

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