I can help you giving some key facts about Eliot & the poem. Hope it'll work. But, remember these are only some key issues/points, not a wholesome paraphrase.
1. According to Eliot, modern literature is essentially complex, because he thinks every writer's writings should portray his/her own age. since modern age is complex, so, modern writings (poems) must be complex. that's why, you'll find Eliot making his poems consciously complex which will make you think about the poem deeply.
2. The First World War has a huge impact on this poem. World Wars create nihilism (a feeling of nothingness or emptiness) in humans because of massive death & destruction.This sense of emptiness is the supreme image in the poem. Consequently, Death/barrenness is a major theme in the poem.
3. Apart from urbanization & industrialization there occurred some more intricate problems in the post-war period, and these were mostly psychological. Betrayal. doubt, loss of faith in God & self & fellow-beings, deterioration of values & morality now bother more. Besides, modern people are splintered selves, always wearing masks. Because of inner frustration & ennui, modern people suffer from death-wish. They have no true warm feeling for the fellow-mates; dryness prevails, in fact, in relationships also. Modern man is called 'Hollow man' since they are dreamless, hopeless. The inner picture of modern people reflects the outer scape of the post-war world. Modern people are carrying different images different times; they are like 'broken images'.
4. Now, you'll find Prufrockian symptoms in the poem: death-wish, pretentiousness, loss of faith. There is intertextuality with 'The Hollow Man' also.
5. As our thoughts are no more linear, simple, systematic. so, the style & language of the poem are complicated, abstract & it's full of allusions. Besides the allusions will foreground the problems of modernism & show that the problems are not individual, rather universal.
6. Though Eliot's attitude in this poem is not positive, but he's optimistic. he knows solution isn't possible now (he stretches 2 lines from Upanishads' Projapoti), yet he hints to a hope that something good could happen if we'd take steps both socially & individually. Purification of the individual's soul, removal of immorality, implementation of religious dogmas - all these are necessary. Most importantly, focus should be on 'Da' 'Da' 'Da'. One has to control, give & sympathize. one has to control his ego, id; he has to linger between the giving self & receiving self (own self & constructed self), or he can't survive like the knights.
7. Though the poem is seemingly divided in to 5 sections, it is a unified whole. Dramatization, punctuations, symbols, motifs, shifting of perspectives, Tiresias, theme/message of each section - all are acting as unifier.
8. Important motifs are: journey, search of Father (seeking the root as well as Christ's bestowal).
9. Symbols: drought, barrenness (intellectual/philosophical & physical), water, rain, fire, journey, wheel.
Now, what you've to do is to connect all the points above with one another.
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