Thursday, February 19, 2015

What were 3 threatening things that had happen in Maycomb by the middle of October?Middle-management: These are the managers between the top- and...

The first thing that happened was that Bob Ewell got a job and lost it within a matter of days.  He was "the only man I ever heard of who was fired from the WPA for laziness."  This shows that even when people try to help Bob out, he doesn't do his part.  He's lazy and useless.

The second thing happened to Judge Taylor's house.  When Bob was on trial, the Judge just sat there and looked at Bob like he was a "three-legged chicken"--according to Atticus, he prejudiced that jury by just making Bob look like a fool.  So one night in October, "someone" cut the screen of Judge Taylor's screen door.  Everyone assumed it was Bob getting back at him. He had no other way at getting back, so he threatened the judge that way.

The third thing was how he (and his family) harassed Helen.  They would "chunk" at her as she walked by, and she had to nearly walk a mile out of her way to avoid their house.  So Link Deas made sure Bob stayed away from her.  This just showed how low Bob would go that he would follow around a poor Black woman who was trying to get to work. 

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