Wednesday, February 25, 2015

In "To Kill a Mockingbird", why was it a big deal that Atticus stood up for Tom Robinson?What was the problem with Atticus standing up for him? Why...

Atticus Finch stood up for Tom Robinson simply because he knew the character of Tom Robinson. Civil Rights as a concept had not yet come to be widely accepted. And in Alabama, it was unheard of that a white lawyer would defend a black man in a case against a white man.

He was ridiculed by his family because he was risking the lives of his children by taking the case. This certainly went against the norms of small-town Alabama in the 1930s--1940s. But it showed a very forward thinking mindset among some individual citizens of the area and South.

Personally after having read the book several times, I think Atticus Finch was disgusted with Burris Ewell and knew a lot about what was going on in his house. Unfortunately, there are things that are not brought out in the book. I think "what if" Mayella turned up pregnant. Whose child would it have been?  Who beat Mayella and caused her bruises?

I think that Atticus would have defended anyone against Burris Ewell.

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