Monday, April 13, 2015

In the back of Breaking Dawn, on the guide of powers, it says that Victoria has a power. What is her power?

Victoria has a talent for being extremely cunning and elusive. Although she is introduced in "Twilight", her story does not end until Eclipse. If you think back to "Twilight", after James begins to pursue Bella, the Cullens decide to split  up and create a diversion. Alice and Jasper take Bella away, while the rest of the family leads James away and from Bella and begin to track Victoria. They are unsuccessful. The book ends without them catching her.

In "New Moon", Edward leaves Bella and her protection is left up to Jacob Black and the rest of the wolf pack. He and the newly "transitioned " Quielute boys spend much of the book playing cat and mouse with Victoria. Several times they have her in their sights only to narrowly miss capturing her.

It isn't until "Eclipse", when Victoria resorts to creating new vampires, does she slip up and is captured and killed by Edward.

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