Sunday, April 26, 2015

Who is the Giver?

In Jonas' community the Giver is an elder who gives the council guidance on all decisions in the community. He is an elderly man, but not as old as he looks.  He has some magical abilities so that he can transfere memories. 

When he was a 12 he was chosen to becomeThe Receiver of Memory. This process was how the community held its memories, "and back and back and back"... After he grew older and was weakened from the stress of his responsibilities to the community another 12 was chosen to replace him.  The first 12 that the council chose didn't work out and Jonas is the 12 now selected to become the Receiver of Memory.  The elder who is now the Receiver becomes the "Giver."  It will be up to him to transfer memories, guide, and teach Jonas to replace him.  He was the giver of advice and he is the "Giver" of memories for Jonas, the new "Receiver of Memories.

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