Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What are two types of violence found in literature and how are the effects different?

I think that it is a very broad question, but this might be where its strength lies.  I think that if you are examining types of violence in literature, you will receive many answers.  The first type of literature that comes to my mind is literature that arises out of the Holocaust because one sees the depiction of two types of violence:  Public persecution and private acts of cruelty.  The violence might bear similarity, but the domain in which both acts take place add a different dimension to it.  For example, in Elie Wiesel's night, we see many examples of public persecution that is expressed through violence.  The presence of death camps, the shooting of Jewish individuals who wanted an extra bowl of soup, or the beating of individuals in public could be such examples.  Yet, on another side of the coin would be those acts of terror that are privatized.  These are still acts of violent cruelty, but they are done away from prying eyes and are directly exacted upon specific individuals.  When Madame Schacter is abused by the group to keep quiet her fears of what will happen, or when Eliezer is beaten for what he has seen are such examples.  In Styron's Sophie's Choice, the same dynamic is present.  Public acts of violence are represented by the Nazis, while privatized form of torment are in the form of fathers who abuse their children, husbands who abuse their wives, guards who abuse their power, and lovers who abuse the cursed souls who happen to need some, any, affection.

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