Friday, May 15, 2015

According to Erick Erickson, what does the oral-sensory stage mean?

The oral-sensory stage is the infant's first stage of life, when they are responding by instinct to the world around them.  This is the stage when children are learning to trust, relying on others for their food and comfort.  This is also the stage highlighted by a mother's nurturing and cuddling.  The oral aspect of the stage refers concretely to the breast-feeding of the young infant, which is their first interaction with the world around them and with other people.  Children will continue to orally experience the world around them for some time as they grow - which is why toddlers put so many items in their mouth!  The sensory part of the stage's name refers to their sight, hearing, taste and touch, the other elements of their experience with the world at this young age.  There is no cognitive reasoning - it is all about senses and stimuli.

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