Tuesday, November 17, 2015

What are 3 examples of each: alliteration, rhyme and personification in Romeo and Juliet and please say who said it.thank you people who answerrr :)

The play begins with rhyming lines, in the Prologue, lines one through 14.  Notice the end of every other line, beginning with "scene" (2) and "unclean" (4).  These are the lines of the Chorus.   Another rhyming example is Romeo's speech in Act I, Scene I , in lines 179-180.  A third example in Act I, Scene I is lines 207 through 210, also Romeo's lines. 

Personification is writing about an inanimate object or animal as though it were a human being. In Act I, Scene I, lines 117-118, spoken by Benvolio are a personification of the sun.  He says the sun "peered forth," and since the sun cannot "peer" as a person might, this is personification.  Also in Act I, Scene I, Romeo speaks about love in lines 170-171, referring to love as having a "view" and having "eyes."  Since love is a concept or feeling, not a person, this is personification, too.  In Act I, Scene II, Capulet talks about the month of April treading "on the heel of limping winter ((27-28).

At the very beginning of Act II, the Chorus has an alliterative line, line 1. Notice all of the words that begin with "d" in that line.  That is alliteration, the repetition of one beginning sound.  In Act II, Scene II, Juliet has a speech that contains more than one example of alliteration, for example, lines 88 and 98. 

Learning about these literary devices contributes to our enjoyment of Shakespeare, and you can apply your understanding to find some more examples on your own.

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