In the process of communication there can be substantial difference between the information that is actually intended to be conveyed by the originator of communication and its recipient. Some part of the information may get not reach the recipient at all, and whatever reaches may be distorted, and may be interpreted by the receiver in a way not intended by the sender of information. Communication barrier is the collective name given to the causes of this loss and distortion of information during the process of communication.
There are many types of communication barriers in an organization. Major ones of these are described below.
Lack of Planning: What needs to be communicated, how, and when is not properly thought out and planned.
Unclarified Assumptions: Leaving out relevant details in the communication assuming that receiver is already aware of it.
Semantic Distortion: Same word or expression interpreted in different way.
Poor Expression of Messages
Communication Barriers in International Environment: The barriers as a result of different languages, culture, etc. Such barriers can exist within a country also.
Poor Listening and Premature Evaluation: The receiver may not absorb or mentally receive the all information sent. One of the major reasons for poor listening is tendency of people to start evaluating the information received even as the other person is talking.
Too Much Impersonal Communication: Frequently communications fail because the speaker is unable to establish personal bond with the listener.
Distrust, Threat and Fear: Communication is a two way process, one gives information as well as receives information. If a person is distrusted or feared, people will avoid giving him too much or right information. Also they will have less credibility in information provided by him.
Information Overload: Too much of information also results in poor communication. Useful information mixed with additional information requires additional effort to separate the two. In addition, right information can get mixed up with similar wrong information and cause confusion and errors.
Other Communication Barriers: These include perception, which causes individuals to mentally filter out and distort information received. The perception itself is affected by any factors such as attitudes and emotions.
Differences in status and power also affect willingness of the individuals to communicate and the nature of information communicated.
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