Thursday, November 1, 2012

In The Crucible, what are the negative and positive effects that conflict has on individuals?

I think it might be interesting to explore the positive outcome of the conflicts portrayed in the play. One obvious shift occurs with John and Elizabeth Proctor. Their marriage has been strained, and the public humiliation of having John's affair with Abigail exposed is challenging for Elizabeth. But when both are accused and in danger of being sent to the gallows, the two find enormous reserves of courage and dignity, buoyed up by their love for each other. John finds the strength to tear up his confession, even knowing he may be killed, and is inspired to do this because Elizabeth refuses to condemn her husband. The play's central conflict has to do with the misuse of power: fear and greed for power are shown as forces that encourage misanthropic behavior, but, through John and Elizabeth's actions, are here exposed as forces that can also inspire deep compassion and selflessness.

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