Sunday, November 25, 2012

In The Kite Runner, why do Baba and Amir move out of Afghanistan? Is it a forced or voluntary migration?

Baba is a big business man in Afghanistan, so he knows with the Russians beginning to invade, he has to make a choice whether to stay or leave. Baba hates to leave Afghanistan. His whole life and business is there. He friends are there, yet he knows he has to keep himself and Amir safe. He decides to go to Pakistan then onto the United States. It is not a forced move, but it isn't entirely voluntarily either. Baba knows that when the Soviets move in, then he would be force to leave, or an even worse outcome. It is a sad and difficult decision he has to make.

Amir is alright with leaving. He feels he is leaving behind the terrible secret he has kept. He doesn't realize that this secret will haunt him for many years. This was a hard time for many locals. They had to make a choice, and only the ones that were wealthy, really had the choice. The poor and uneducated didn't have many choices. Baba hates to leave Hassan, but he feels that he has to keep Amir safe. 

What is tragic about all of this, is that Baba is leaving behind another son, one that has had a horrible tragedy happen to him. Instead of the being honest about Hassan, Baba chooses to ignore his other son, and only save Amir. What a horrible choice this must be for many people in these circumstances. If Baba had taken Hassan with him, would things have turned out differently? One will never know, but we can all guess the answer to this question.

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