"...Way leads on to way."
Life seems to have a way of bringing us to the end of one road, and forces us to start all over on an unfamiliar, sometimes uncomfortable way--a brand new ballgame.
Often things are not the way we hoped they would be, and if we’re not careful we find ourselves wishing we could go back—back to the past, back to our comfort zone.
In her epic novel, Gone With the Wind, the title captures a main idea in the novel. The world of the old South (the past life) is gone—“It’s gone with the wind.” Mitchell has Grandma Fontaine, an old woman with an acerbic tongue, talking about the defeats and disappointments of the Civil War. Grandma Fontaine exclaims, “The whole world can’t lick us….But we can lick ourselves—by longing for things we ain’t got any more and by remembering too much.”
As long as we keep looking back, continue to nurse our wounds we will not make progress. There comes a time to dress the wound, bind it up with faith in God’s providence and let it begin to heal. It reminds me of Vince Lombardi’s words to his defeated football team, “Okay, men. Sack up your guts; let’s get going.”
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