Friday, November 16, 2012

What is the difference between fats and oil?We call the fats in our body "fats", but the oil on our faces is called "oil". What is the difference...

Fats and oils are the same or similar chemical substances called hydrocarbons. They are organic solvent in nature but not soluble in water. The saturated fats are normally tend to be solid , while the unsaturated fats are in liquid forms. In otherwords,Oils  have  lower melting point.  Fats  being saturated have all the carbon atoms hold on all the hydrogen atoms , where as in the unsaturated fat or oils, the carbon atoms could hold still more hydrogen atoms. Unsaturated can be hydrogenated or added with hydrogen atoms- a tecnology of food prducts.Foods prepared with fats normally stay with it, those preared in oil try getting separated from the food.

Fats are highly cocentrated in energy, compared carbohydrates and proteins. They also dissolve the vitamins A,B,D, K etc. Petroleum, keroscene are also oils of high concentrated energy and so they are best fuels to produce the heat energy.

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