Monday, July 8, 2013

Discuss the symbolism of the "nursery" in the story "The Yellow Wallpaper."

The symbolism of the nursery in "The Yellow Wallpaper" has to do with the manner in which the narrator is treated and seen by her husband (and others).  The narrator tells the audience that her husband is a doctor, and therefore, he knows what must be wrong with her--she "qualifies" this by stating that her brother is also a doctor.  Further, her husband John takes all care away from her, suggesting that John looks after her every need and does not allow her to do anything for herself.  The narrator says that every part of her day is prescribed by her husband, and he has made all the decisions regarding their summer home.  In essence, John treats the narrator like she is a baby who needs continual care.  The narrator is stripped of her autonomy, and the nursery represents her disenfranchisement. 

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