OK. Your main thesis has to do with comparing the works of Macbeth and Frankenstein on the basis of the evil of deception. I assume you are stating that deception IS evil and that these two works are examples of that evil and why people should not meddle in it. You will need at least two or three reasons why you think deception is evil which you can support with examples from these two works. How about these for starters:
1. Willingly participating in deception will effect your health.
2. Willingly participating in deception will cost you friends (or you can word it "will effect your social life").
You can use these examples:
1) Macbeth--both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth lose it mentally after they've committed the murder of Duncan and later also have Banquo and the Macduffs are dead. Lady Macbeth sleepwalks, Macbeth can't sleep, they don't spend as much time together as they used to, and she ends up killing herself as a result of the guilt she feels.
Frankenstein--while Victor is creating his monster, he neglects nature which has always rejuvenated him, he doesn't eat or sleep well, and he suffers from a major fever which keeps him in bed for weeks after the creature has fled. Later, Victor suffers from paranoia and intense guilt for the evil he has set loose on the world, least of all his unsuspecting friends and family.
2) Macbeth--literally, Macbeth loses Duncan and Banquo, all of his noble buddies turn their backs on him and flee to England to support Malcolm, the close bond he had with his wife is now strained and distant, and he is unable to trust even his servants to be loyal to him in the end.
Frankensten--Because of his willing participation in creating and abaondoning hs "son," Victor loses everyone he ever cared about--William, Justine, Henry, his father, Elizabeth. He has also lost interest in his academic pursuits and in everything else that used to please him. His sole purpose in life is to kill the creature.
Think on this and see if you can come up with a third reason not to willingly engage in deception and if there are any examples in these two works to prove your idea.
Good Luck!
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