Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Who are the dwarves in The Hobbit?(in detail please) :0

The Hobbit features thirteen dwarves that make up Thorin Oakenshield's company:

Fili and Kili--These two brothers are the youngest in the company.  Thorin is their uncle; he is their mother's eldest brother.  Fili and Kili both are killed in the Battle of the Five Armies defending Thorin with "shield and body" (261).

Bifur and Bofur-- Bifur and Bofur are brothers and were descended from the dwarves of Moria but were not of Durin's line. 

Bombur-- Bombur is the fattest of the dwarves.  He accidentally falls into the dark river of Mirkwood and falls into an enchanted sleep. Bombur is also a brother of Bifur and Bofur.

Dwalin-- The first dwarf to appear on Bilbo's doorstep at the beginning of the story.  He and Balin are both descended from the House of Durin and are remote cousins to Thorin.

Balin--One of the oldest dwarves in the party, Balin returns with Gandalf at the end of the novel some years later to visit Bilbo at Bag-End.  He is Dwalin's brother.  Balin later goes to Moria.  His tomb is found by the Fellowship during their journey through the mountain. 

Oin--Oin is also descended from the House of Durin, so they are also distant cousins to Thorin.  He and Gloin are brothers and are first cousins to Balin and Dwalin. 

Gloin--Gloin originally doubts Bilbo's skills as a burglar, saying "he looks more like a grocer than a burglar" (18).  Gloin's statement actually goads Bilbo into wanting to join the company.  (Gloin's greatest significance is that he is Gimli's father (Gimli later becomes one of the Nine Companions in Lord of the Rings). 

Dori, Nori, Ori--All three are brothers and play the flute.  They are also of the House of Durin and are more distant kinsman of Thorin. 

Thorin--Thorin Oakenshield II is a direct descenedent of Durin.  He is the heir to the Lonely Mountain and the leader of the company of the dwarves.  Extremely proud of his heritage, Thorin's deepest desire is to rebuild the greatness of the Lonely Mountain. 

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