The first convict shows his appreciation for Pip's loyalty by making sure the boy is not suspected of helping him in his escape. After he is captured, the convict turns to the sergeant and says,
"I wish to say something respecting this escape. It may prevent some persons laying under suspicion alonger me".
He then declares before all present that he "took some wittles, up at the willage over yonder...from the blacksmith's". He then goes on to turn to Joe and apologizes, telling him, "I'm sorry to say, I've eat your pie".
Pip had, in fact, taken the pie, as well as some other food items and a file, to the convict out on the marshes. When the soliders had come to the house in pursuit of the escapee, he had been terrified that it should be discovered that he had aided the criminal in his escape. In an unexpected demonstration of sensitivity after his capture, the convict shows his appreciation for Pip's loyalty in providing for him by taking the blame for the theft completely on himself. In this way, he ensures that Pip will not get in trouble for helping him (Chapter 5).
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