In Ch.19, after Pip's 'great expectations' have been announced and he is to go to London to become a 'gentleman,' Pip dresses up in his new clothes and first appears in his new clothes to Miss Havisham and not to Joe and Biddy. Pip is under the delusion that it is Miss Havisham who is responsible for his 'great expectations' and that she is sending him to London to be 'educated' and transformed into a gentleman so that he can marry Estella. So his heart is full of gratitude for Miss Havisham and he regards her as 'a fairy godmother':
" ' This is a gay figure, Pip' said she, making her crutch stick play round me, as if she, the fairy godmother who had changed me were bestowing the finishing gift."
Later, before he bids farewell to her, he kneels down in front of her and kisses her outstretched hand:
"She stretched out her hand, and I went down on my knee and put it to my lips."
The same idea is made explicit in Ch.29, where Pip wrongly believes that, "she (Miss Havisham) had adopted Estella, she had as good as adopted me, and it could not fail to be her intention to bring us together.'
However, in Ch.11 he had referred to the same Miss Havisham as "the witch of the place":
" In her other hand she had a crutch-headed stick on which she leaned, and she looked like the Witch of the place."
Similarly his attitude to Joe undergoes a great change once his 'great expectations' are announced.
Before his 'great expectations' are announced Pip considers Joe as a surrogate parent and his best friend. In ch.7 after Joe had completed telling his life story to Pip, he hugs Pip and says:
"Ever the best of friends; an't us Pip? Don't cry, old chap!"
But in Ch.19 after his 'great expectations' have been announced Pip begins to look down upon Joe as an uneducated and ill-bred person. So, he asks Biddy to 'educate' him:
" 'Well! Joe is a dear good fellow-in fact, I think he is the dearest fellow that ever lived-but he is rather backward in some things. For instance, Biddy, in his learning and his manners."
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