The allegorical satire of Animal Farm is amplified by the use of talking animals There is a dark moral in Animal Farm, but it is accepted because it is presented in a humorous, nonthreatening way.
The idea that animals could work together cooperatively to overthrow their human bondage is laughable and really ludicrous if you think about it deeply. So, what perfect way to show the inequality of class in society than by showing how the pigs eventually took over the idylic farm and became totalitarian rulers exactly like the humans had done.
By using animals, Orwell was able to avoid the psychological implications that would have come up had he used human beings as characters. He is able to use the pigs to degrade the Russian Communist leaders, the sheep as the masses, the horse as the steady plodding worker who carries more than his fair share of the burdens. People who were accustomed to farm animals and their roles in farm life would have been able to relate to the attributes that Orwell gave to these animals.
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