Thursday, April 2, 2015

Write a short note on the "Acceptance Theory" in management?

The "acceptance theory" is a philosophy which argues that "authority does not depend as much on 'persons of authority' who give orders as on the willingness of those who receive the orders to comply with them ("  This idea combines both the traditional approach to management of a "top- down" structure where subordinates are to comply with the decisions of management.  Yet, it is also embracing a more modern understanding of management, where this compliance is not blind and done without some level of questioning.  If one were to buy the "acceptance theory" of management, then one also has to accept that subordinates do possess some level of intrinsic power that requires explanation, articulation, and clear definition of company policies and initiatives.  In the "acceptance theory" model of management, the company's superiors must have a rapport with their subordinates so that this communication is evident, for their understanding and willingness to accept decisions, comply with policy, and fulfill management vision is essential.  To accept "acceptance theory," management must "accept" the premise that their workers have to be "accepted" as beings with their own sense of autonomy, freedom, and reasonability, as opposed to drones who will blindly follow where the company leads.

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