Wednesday, September 16, 2015

After reading my explanation, could I please have some ideas? Much appreciated.I'm doing some creative writing for my English coursework. I'm not...

Why don't you do a short story that is based off of your real life?  You can change the character names, the ages, and even the setting if you want to.  For example, if you went to homecoming this past year, and you want to tell the story of what happened there without getting too personal, change your name, change the name of your date, and maybe put the high school in a different state or city.  That way, you can have other people read the story without knowing that you were really the person that it happened to.  This could also be fun because then, you can change your own story if you want to.  If you didn't have a very good time at homecoming, you can change the story to make it so that the character does, or add an exciting or suspenseful twist, like getting caught in a freak blizzard on the way home, running into a snowbank, and having to survive the situation.

If you take your own life and use it for the foundation of a story idea, then you can change whatever you want to, however you want to change it.  Or, you can keep it exactly the same, just changing key character names so it doesn't feel like you are exposing your heart and soul to the world.

If that idea doesn't work for you, then maybe you just need a good idea for a story in order to write one.  Type in "short story ideas" into google, and tons of websites will come up with prompts and ideas for writing a short story.  That will help quite a bit; a lot of the time, when people are stuck on writing stories, it's just because they don't have a good idea!  If you can find a cool idea that you are excited about, it will be much easier to write.

I hope those ideas jive with you; good luck!

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