Wednesday, September 16, 2015

What is the difference between a dystopian and science fiction novel?

A story that centers on a dystopian environment is one that is opposite to a utopian environment, or a perfect or ideal society.

The dystopian environment is a society that lacks harmony, is distorted politically, culturally and socially.  A good example of a dystopian Science Fiction novel is "The Time Machine" by H.G. Well, where he tells the story of a time traveller who is in search of a perfect society, he goes far into the future and finds a perfect dystopia where everything he imagined the future should be is not there, but society has reverted through evolution to a primitive existence.  He is vastly disappointed at what he finds in the future, really shocked.

Science Fiction novels are often set in the future and involve fantasy, advanced technology.  In the world of Science Fiction, anything is possible, time travel, space travel into other galaxies, all different kinds of aliens, even aliens and humans getting along as part of the same federation of planets.  

Where dystopian novels are predictors of doom,stories about the dark future that awaits if we don't change our ways in the present, Science Fiction can be fun, interesting and have a happy ending.  

Some great Science Fiction writers, H.G. Wells, Isac Asimov, George Orwell.   

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