Friday, September 25, 2015

Who are the hypocrites in To Kill A Mockingbird, The Taming Of The Shrew, The Kite Runner, and All Souls.well i just need one name of a person...

I cannot speak for all four pieces, but I can discuss the hypocrisy found in The Kite Runner and To Kill A Mockingbird.

First, in Kite Runner, the main character himself is the biggest hypocrite around. He sacrifices his best friend's safety and happiness just so that he himself can enjoy those things with his father.  He is also a hypocrite in that he views America as a place to run away and escape from his problems, but yet knows it is like being in prison for his father. Going to America saves him from the past, but makes his father miserable.

In Mockingbird, it is the townspeople that support Tom Robinson, but don't stand up for him who are the hypocrites.  The town simply sits back and lets Atticus take the fall and the heat for defending Tom. They don't stand united behind him, but instead allow him and his family to suffer the consequences while they watch from the safety of their porches.

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