Saturday, January 23, 2016

Do you think this characterization of the townspeople is accurate?At one point, while townspeople are trying to decide who the real Wilks brothers...

The duke and the dauphin have fooled the townspeople into thinking that they are the Wilks Brothers from Sheffield, England--heirs to the family fortune of the late Peter Wilks in Mark Twain's novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. However, Huck has long since seen through the two scoundrels' tall tales, and he now knows that they are nothing but a pair of con men. What Huck can't understand is why the other citizens of the community can't see through the duke and dauphin's act as well. Only the doctor, and later the lawyer--the two best-educated men in the town--question their story. Dr. Robinson sees through the men at once, recognizing that their accents are

"the worst imitation I ever heard... You're a fraud, that's what you are... the ignorant tramp, with his idiotic Greek and Hebrew, as he calls it. He is the thinnest kind of an imposter... turn this pitiful imposter out--I beg you to do it."

But it's too late for Mary Jane and the rest of the "chuckleheads," who have bought the duke and dauphin's stories hook, line and sinker. Not only have they fallen for the pair's act, they show further ignorance by rejecting the pleas of the intelligent physician, a true friend who acts in their best interest. Their lack of common sense is a financial boon to the duke and dauphin... at least for the time being. 

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