Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I am doing a summative on To Kill a Mockingbird and need help regarding social class and its importanceMy topic is : Social Class and its...

A 'summative' is a way for an individual to judge the value (in this case) a work of literature. The focus is on the outcome. For example, was the book just a story, or was their a higher purpose for the literary work. To Kill A Mockingbird accomplished both tasks. It is a work of fiction, however the novel is steeped with historical relevance. Maycomb epitomizes the deep, resentful, and destructive nature of racism through, but not limited to Bob Ewell, Mayella, and even Jem. The novel also suggests a wonderful alternative, to rise above resentment, social hypocrisy, and racism with Atticus, Scout, Boo Radley, and by the end of the novel many others.  Harper Lee's genius in To Kill A Mockingbird lies in the beauty for every reader to construct their own assessment of the novel. She forces the reader to make a decision, in the end is the novel destructive or constructive? To write a summative you must answer that question, and support you answer with inferences from the book. Take these steps to further address your question:

1. Research the south during the 1930's

2. Read the character analysis (link provided below)

3. Research the author, Harper Lee. Although she wrote this as fiction....make no mistake she wanted to speak her peace.

Good Luck !!!

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