Fleance and his father Banquo are both fictional characters but presented as historical fact by Raphael Holinshed whose "Chronicles" was the source for Shakespeare's "Macbeth." In Raphael's "Chronicles" Fleance flees to Wales in fear of Macbeth, there he marries a Welsh princess by name Nesta Verch Gruffydd. They beget a son Walter who makes his way back to Scotland where he becomes the Royal Steward. According to the legend he began the Stuart line of monarchs through whom Scotland and England were united.
In 1722, the Scottish historian Richard Hay revealed that both Banquo and Fleance were only fictitious characters. Modern historical research has proved that Banquo and Fleance never existed.
The plot of "Macbeth" ends with the death of Macbeth. Shakespeare does not continue the drama after that because if he had continued to write about what happened to Fleance then the tragic intensity of his play would have been diluted.
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