The paternalism of "It's for your own good" is found in many components of Nurse Ratched's control. The element of power and order is what underlies such a claim. All of Nurse Ratched's rules are in place with the idea that the patients' well being is served. From the time to brush teeth, to medicine distribution, to the rules of group therapy, to watching a baseball game, to going outside, the entire structure of the medical ward is designed with the idea of"it's for your own good." Nurse Ratched's consistent line of defense against McMurphy's questioning is that her rules and order is in the interests of the patients. This line becomes the ultimate cover for making the patients drones, and denying the essence of individuality. If we think about it this line can be applied to the most sinister parts of the mental health care offered in the ward. Shock therapy, lobotomies, and other forcible measures of control can be enacted because "it's for your own good." The patients act in a way of fear and ignorance because they have been told they cannot endure the realities of freedom on the grounds that "it's for your own good." The silencing of their voices and desire to make them passive is something that has been done in an attempt to control and lessen their sensibilities. In this setting the idea of controlling patients with this idea in mind becomes the tool that enhances and fortifies Nurse Ratched's structure and power.
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