Friday, November 28, 2014

How does Hosseini develop his theme of redemption in The Kite Runner?This question pertains to the book "The Kite Runner. "

While Khaled Hosseini presents several strong themes in The Kite Runner, the idea of redemption dominates the novel.  Almost all of the main characters, with the exception of pure Hassan, need redemption.  Baba tries to redeem himself from his affair with Sanuabar and the betrayal of his friend and servant Ali by building an orphanage and by treating Hassan, his illegitimate son, better than Amir.

Rahim Khan has lied to Amir for years about his blood relation to Hassan and attempts to redeem himself by telling Amir the truth and by getting Amir to focus on his own path to redemption.

Of course, Amir, the novel's protagonist and narrator, struggles with the concept of redemption throughout the entire novel.  His horrific betrayal of Hassan haunts him and dominates his actions and thinking.  Until he is able to rescue the innocent (Sohrab) and defeat evil (Assef), he cannot live in peace.  Even after he brings Sohrab to the United States, Amir struggles with this past actions and is just beginning to see himself as redeemed.

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