Monday, November 24, 2014

In Act III, why is Macduff in disgrace with Macbeth?

Macduff has been suspicious all along of Macbeth's role in the death of King Duncan. When Macduff does not attend the banquet dinner that the Macbeths give at the castle, Macbeth notices the conspicuous absence. He inquires where Macduff is and is told that Macduff went home to Fife. Macbeth is becoming more and more paranoid, and he goes to see the three witches again. The "weird sisters" warn him to "beware the thane of Fife."

Therefore, both Macduff's failure to attend the royal banquet and the warning given by the three witches are what causes Macbeth's displeasure with Macduff in Act III.

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