Greed is a common theme throughout the Odyssey.
The first reference referring to greed is described early in Book I, when Odysseus's son Telemachus is speaking to Athene discussing the suitors who want to marry his mother Penelope. He states, "as many as lord it in rocky Ithaca, all these woo my mother and waste my they devour and diminish my house." This cites one example of greed on the part of the suitors.
Another reference to greed may be found in Book 18 when Eurymachus entertains his friends at Odysseus's house. He addresses the beggar (Odysseus himself) and illustrates, "thou wilt not care to go to the labours of the field, but wilt choose rather to go louting through the land, that thou mayst have wherewithal to feed thine insatiate belly."
Greed is also described in Book IX in the context of Odysseus leaving the island of the Cyclopes after he blinded the Cyclopes. Odysseus's crew opened Aeolus's sack to look for gold. Their greed caused a huge storm on the sea, which further hindered their trip home to Ithaca.
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