Sunday, June 28, 2015

How does camellia symbolize trust in To Kill A Mockingbird? And what other things does the flower symbolize?

okay first of all, the old lady is not all bad.

the readings(jem's punishment) were for old lady's "sucessfull" battle against her addiction.

and altough she represent all the bad thing in maycomb:she is unforgivably racist, raining curses on the children and denigrating Atticus for representing a black man.

the readings helped her slought off her mortal persona, one that is racist and irritable

and who told jem to read to the old lady? yes, atticus finch, his pure soul that is attributed to everyone is represented by the "white" of the flower.(attiucus's "purity" is attributed by his "real courage")

and trust, i think it represents trust bc jem doesnt know what "true courage is"  (atticus knows what it is, and he attributes it to the old lady, by the chosen punishment)  and even jem doesnt accept the flower, because he's not thinking how "u" are right now, he still maturing, he's got  no glue; and the flower has no meaning for him. but the old lady trust's in him to be "brave" and "determined" to accept thier is good and bad within everyone even in the old lady(Mrs. Dubose).

oh and the fact that it is a flower from her soposedly"detroyed bush" means nothing can detroy what it represents.

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