Friday, June 19, 2015

In Macbeth [5.8.60-64], what does Malcolm promise to the thanes who fought with him?

Malcolm addresses his "thanes and kinsmen" in the concluding speech of the play after Macbeth has been killed and Malcolm has claimed the throne as his father's rightful heir. Malcom tells them that he will move quickly to reward them for their devotion; he will make them earls, "the first that ever Scotland / In such an honor named." He also will bring back home to Scotland those who had to flee Macbeth's tyranny. One part of Malcolm's speech promises he will bring justice to those who supported Macbeth:

[I will produce] forth the cruel ministers

Of this dead butcher and his fiendlike queen . . . .

Malcolm lets it be known to all that he will act to heal his country from the horrors imposed upon it by Macbeth, and he will do so "in measure, time, and place."

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