Thursday, June 25, 2015

What are some advantages and disadvantages of internet use for children and adults?

Advantages and disadvantages of internet use amongst children and adults can be viewed from various angles - objectively, or subjectively. If a person is in favor of technology, then he/she might find more advantages than disadvantages for its use. However, if a person believes in manual work and that technology may one day be used to replace human work, then the he/she may view internet use to be more damaging than good.  In responding to this question, it is my hope to be neutral and state the disadvantages and advantages as matter-of-fact. So here goes...

Internet use has several advantages, of which a few are included below, among children and adults. They are:

1.  It provides access to a wealth of referenced sources and information, as well as, common information from around the globe.

2.  It allows people (i.e. family members, different races and cultures, different economic and social backgrounds, etc.) to connect and exchange ideas, personal and professional experiences, as well as, historical and up-to-date events and activities.

3. It facilitates classroom enrichment activities, opportunities for learning and work, as well as immediate transmittal of critical, or time-based, documents.

Internet use has several disadvantages, of which a few are included below, among children and adults. They are:

1. It can serve as an avenue for predators to find victims.

2. It is available only to families and businesses that have the resources to subscribe to its services, or have access through other locations.

3.  It may cause people to lose track of time and even become severely attached, or addicted, to its use.

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