Wordsworth claims himself as the worship per of Nature .Certainly the claim is tenable .From his autobiographical poem ,-Tin tern Abbey , we find how his love for Nature under went successive changes .In his early child hood , he like a roe mounted over the hills ,tall rocks , walked through the secluded valleys , enjoyed landscape , etc .Nature was an appetite to him . With his growing manhood he could the still music of humanity .In his advanced age , the dumbness of nature entered into him , and he attained meditative calmness .From this confession of the poet , we can say that the theme of Wordsworth's poem is Nature and reflection of Nature .
The idea is a philosophy ;of peace ,tranquility of mind , service to humanity , etc .The poet professes that Nature never did betray the heart that loves her , she leads man from joy to joy .
Wordsworth , follows Russuae , and believes that so long man is away from nature , he gets corrupted .
Simplicity ,life of fortitude ,acceptance of what nature gives ,find a voice in Wordsworth's writings .A critical view of his poems ,-The Leech -Gatherer ,and Michael link us to this aspects of writing .
Man and Nature , relation between man and nature , effort of establishing a harmonious relation between the , recur to almost all his poems .
The poems , The Daffodils ,and The Solitary Reaper , focus on the idea that the recollections of the beauty of Nature return as bliss of solitude in one's dreary intercourse of artificial city- life.Again Wordsworth advocates the use of rustic language as the diction of poetry .This signifies the linguistic communication with Nature .The propagation ,-there is no difference between the language of prose and poetry , is a revulation , that reforms the style of one' thoughts .
Subrata Ray .Uluberia .West Bengal .India .
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