Thursday, August 20, 2015

How Do Marullus and Flavius rebuke the people in sene one of Julius Caesar?

Marullus and Flavius are rebuking the commoners in Scene I because they are out celebrating in the streets on a work day without wearing the sign of their trade.  While ancient Romans did not have uniforms to signify their professions, the people of Elizabethan England did, and Shakespeare added that element to the play to make it more relevant for his audience. Marullus and Flavius are Tribunes who are members of the patrician, or upper-class of Roman society.  It is not customary for the commoners, or plebeians they are referred to in the play, to be out in the streets when they should be at work.  Marullus and Flavius are also angered by the fact that the people are celebrating Caesar's triumph over Pompey, calling them hypocrites and traitors for converting their loyalty.

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