Monday, August 31, 2015

The Writer's Presence; Origins by Barack Obama: Which chapter in Dreams from my Father is that?I haven't gotten my English book in the mail yet and...

Obama's book is divided into four sections.  The first one is "Origins", while the second is entitled "Chicago," which is followed by "Kenya", and the concluding "Epilogue."  There are chapters within each section.  "Origins" is the first part and encompasses the first six chapters of the text.  The first section allows us to gain a glimpse into the young Obama, when he referred to his grandmother as "Toot" and he was referred to as "Barry."  This opening section concerns itself with his recollections about his youth and the experiences of his upbringing, where the issues of race and identity converged to leave their imprint on Obama throughout his youth.  In terms of the structure of the text, the "Origins" section would be central in allowing us to better understand the "America" part of his African- American identity.

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