Saturday, August 29, 2015

What is Jackson's point of view about upstanding Americans in the quaint little village where the ritualistic murder is about to take place?

Jackson's point of view is conveyed through her belief that violence exists in ordinary, everyday society, where regular people live.  The violence that resides within the confines of small towns all over the country, Jackson is drawing our attention to this type of problem.  She is making a broad statement about humanity and the potential it has to be indifferent and downright evil.

She sets the story of ritual annual murder in a small town to make it more shocking.  

"Jackson herself, who throughout her life said little about the meaning behind or the circumstances surrounding the story, noted: "I hoped by setting a particularly brutal ancient rite in the present and in my own village, to shock the story's readers with a graphic dramatization of the pointless violence and general humanity in their own lives." 

From a feminist perspective, Jackson is making  a statement about the domination of men in society.  She depicts the town as dominated by men, the village is definitely a patriarchy. 

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