The climax is when Mr. Ewell randomly attacks Jem and Scout on their way home from the annual pageant. This is the man whose daughter accused a black man of rape, whose life was extremely exposed during that trial, whose credibility, as Atticus put it, “…was destroyed at that trial…”. Mr. Ewell, filled with hatred, decided to take out his feelings on those around him; especially those closely associated with Atticus Finch himself. This crazy loon even had the guts to spit in the tolerant lawyer’s face, vowing vengeance.
In a course of time, he managed to temporarily break into the Judge’s house and taunt Tom Robinson’s widow on her daily walks to work, “…crooning foul words…”. Never would anyone expect for Mr. Ewell to confront the children of Atticus Finch, who were completely innocent and defenseless. “…We were nearly to the road when I felt Jem’s hand leave me, felt him jerk backwards to the ground. More scuffling, and there came a dull crunching sound and Jem screamed…”. They were not expecting the attack and did not know until afterwards who their attacker was, but the dialogue does give us a hint. “… A prickly stubble on the face told me it was not Jem’s. I smelled stale whiskey…”.
Once the children were brought to safety and a doctor had been called, Mr. Heck Tate arrived to check on the harmed children and gave everyone the news of the death of the identified attacker (guess who?). As a result, the vengeance previously vowed by the infamous Mr. Ewell never came to its full form, taking this extremely troubled man on a walk towards his own fate.
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